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Welcome to the version 3 upgrade of the KFS WebSDR, located six miles south of Half Moon Bay, California USA. This facility was established by Craig, W6DRZ (sk) and is maintained by a group of local and remote volunteers. To read about the new features of this upgrade, click here. A complete technical description, operating tips, updated propagation information, and a donation opportunity can all be found on the ABOUT page. More information on the worldwide WebSDR project can be found on

An outstanding alternate system in the Western USA is Northern Utah WebSDR, North of Salt Lake City.
Also, check out W7RNA Phoenix WebSDR in Arizona
For HF reception from the East coast, use either NA5B WebSDR in Washington, DC. or Home of K3FEF & W3TKP in Pennsylvania.


(27 Mar '21) - The KFS Radio Club has been issued the callsign W6KFS.
(6 Oct '21) - Separate Kiwi receivers are now available on all four TCI antennas. Use this Landing Page for access.
(30 Mar '22) - The new upgraded version of the KFS WebSDR is on the air. Please use the new domain for future access.
(21 July '22) - Users of the CatSync program may find that it can't parse the 1 Hz tuning display resolution on this WebSDR: Add "?10hz" to the URL to force display of 10 Hz tuning, as in "". More URL-based commands may be found here.
(30 Mar '24) - It is with regret that we note the passing of Craig, W6DRZ, who established the KFS WebSDR nearly a decade ago for the benefit of the amateur radio community. We ask that you offer your own form of remembrance for Craig and to respect the privacy of his family.
(11 May '24) - There was an outage due to an extended power failure compounded by the generator and the new UPS not coming online as expected. The utility repaired the power feed but it was a few more hours before the main KFS WebSDR could be brought back online.
(1 Sep '24) - KFS Internet Upgrade! We are pleased to announce that the Internet connection has been upgraded.  Long in the works, this upgrade should eliminate previous problems (drop-outs, stalling, etc.) related to congestion on the connection to the ISP that had required bandwidth reduction measures such as slowing waterfall speed, increased audio compression and lower maximum user count to keep KFS usable.  This upgrade has allowed elimination of those restrictions - plus a few "enhancements" (e.g. wider RX bandwidth) that had not been possible before.

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Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency
m: mute/unmute audio
s: toggle squelch

Frequency: kHz    VFO:  ?  
Enter frequency above, or tune by clicking/dragging/scrollwheel on the frequency scale. freq???
Mode:  ?      
Use the = kHz button to snap to the nearest kHz.

Clicking a band below will switch to the secondary KFS WebSDR server

Memories are stored as cookies on your computer, not on the server.

?:   ? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.  Default BW in bold.
 USB CW RX: Check box, or put  ?usbcw  in the URL for USB CW reception.
  CW uses a center frequency of 750 Hz and LSB by default.

PassBand Tuning (PBT):
Use buttons to select BW/mode or drag passband edges on frequency scale. PBT/IF Shift by Weert Websdr.
Call of station that you hear:
Comments, if any:
Time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added automatically.
View the last 20 lines of the logbook, or the entire logbook (opens new tab/window).

? dBm  Peak ? dBm  ?
 S-meter squelch:        
Mute Squelch Notch1
Notch2 High Boost
 DSP Noise Reduction:
More info about Noise Reduction, Notch2 & High Boost here

Audio buffering:
  More buffering may help with drop-outs or slow/jittery connections.
  Vari-Notch (Hz):   Off

   CW Peak (Hz):   Off    Ref. Tone

Gain control:   
RF AGC Alt AGC Manual
Try "Alt AGC" for better AM reception, particularly with QSB.

devpk dev_avg dev_pkavg   

Audio channel: Left Both Right

Sig. strength plot:
Waterfall view:
Or use scroll wheel & dragging on waterfall.

Toggle "Hide labels" if labels are missing.

?      compact view


? devpk dev_avg dev_pkavg freq???